
Matrice Active

An interactive canvas based on the work of the painter Wassily Kandinsky by Sophie Lavaud

A 3D canvas represents the world of the painter as a complex dynamic system where entities of the canvas react with each other and with the user. The installation allows contact-free interactions, tracking the movements of the body and the hands.

Endogenous interactions in the painting are based on a physical model that keeps entities in a self-organized equilibrium and lets the user move and create new compositions. This research explores the concept of “Augmented Paintings” where the user is invited to modify the graphical composition of the canvas in real-time. In this way, anyone can define different states which produce new semantics in a collaborative process with the painting.


Making of


The user interacts in real-time with the canvas, using his left or his right hand; a white pointer appears and allows grabbing an object for a few seconds.
Head-tracking and moving close or far from the canvas is a way to observe entities in the foreground or the background of the composition.
At last, predefined key poses allow the user to pause the dynamic system, reset the canvas and create random composition as chaos.


01-02/03/2012 : Workshop on movement qualities and physical models visualizations, IRCAM-Centre Pompidou (Paris, France)
18-23/11/2011 : Cyberfest , International Cyber Art Festival, The State Hermitage Museum (Saint-Petersbourg, Russie)
28/11/2011 – 01/12/2011, Interactive Arts Exhibit ACM Multimedia 2011 (Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A)
05/07/2011, Creators of behavioral interfaces seminar, Circulation et équilibre des rôles entre mécanismes de commandes et comportement autonome, Le CUBE (Issy, France)
23–26/06/2011 : Futur en Seine, Village des Innovations, Le Centquatre (Paris, France)
25–27/05/2011 : Journées Informatique musicale, campus universitaire Tréfilerie, (Saint-Etienne, France)

More information

Installation interactive mono-utilisateur, France, 2003-2011
Réalisation Sophie Lavaud, Programmation Yves Gufflet, Design d’interaction Jean-François Jégo
Production : Le Cube ART3000, Mines ParisTech