I presented my work at the MOCA Taipei on January 2016, here is the description in Chinese :)
2016/1/17 台北當代藝術館
「知了:比手畫矯」互動藝術工作坊 (已結束)

CIGALE: an interactive artistic platform to explore gesture expressivity
「知了:比手畫矯」是一項為期四年、聚集了八個國際夥伴,由法國巴黎第八大學主導的卓越實驗室「藝術與人文介面」Labex Arts-H2H所支持的研究計畫案,其主要目標是探索人類肢體的語言性、表現性、藝術性及兼具科學性的分析研究,然後運用人工生命編程實驗模組,開發一個手勢互動藝術的平臺。本次座談中,我們會介紹研發互動平台的應用技術,及其呈現具有表達誇張性的虛擬人物之創作繁複過程;此應用技術的研發統合了不同領域的專家,包括語言學家、電腦科學家、數位藝術家和專業表演者,如指揮家、默劇演員…等,參與其設計過程。
CIGALE is a four-year project supported by the French Laboratory of Excellence Labex Arts-H2H with the aim of exploring the expressivity of human gesture. Eight international partners gathered together to both conduct artistic and scientific studies, and experimenting using artificial life models. In this talk, we will expose the iterative process used to create the interactive application that presents a virtual expressive agent. The researching and designing of the application involved linguists, computer scientists, digital artists, and professional actors.
“InterActe” and “Interactive Deaf Poetry” are two artistic installations made with the CIGALE platform where spectators or actors and the virtual actor are able to interact and improvise together. Through the observed improvised scenarios, we are now analyzing the emergence of expressivity during the enactive interaction loop with linguists.
Deaf Poetry: saying everything without speaking
Here, hands don’t beat the drum. Instead the drum speaks with its hands, projected onto its skin. They interact and create poems in sign language, specially for the deaf/hearing impaired, because the drum has acquired the expressive and prosodic gestures of deaf poets.
互・動 InterACTE
The interactive installation InterACTE makes it possible to improvise with a virtual character. Gestures made by the character are generated by a genetic algorithm based on expressive and linguistic gestures captured from real actors (a mime, a poet, a linguist and and choral conductor). The installation presents an avatar in a virtual and immersive world.
時間:2016/01/17 Sun.14:00-16:00
報名方式:填寫網路報名表,報名網址 http://goo.gl/forms/q220MBSVpV (已額滿,開放現場報名候補!)