Conferences Embodiment Gesture Workshop

2017-10-31 MeMuMo Workshop – Moscow, Russia

Master-class:  How to record, analyze and annotate gestures and sign languages with MoCap technologies

Conferences Interaction Virtual Reality

2017-09-25 INTERACT 2017 & UBISOFT – Mumbai, India

Designing Gestures for Interactive Systems: Towards Multicultural Perspectives Workshop of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT 2017 , September 25-29, 2017, Mumbai, India. The workshop will be held on Sept 25 or 26 2017 in Mumbai —- Workshop also held at UBISOFT Pune:

Conferences Virtual Reality

2017-06-05 Summer School GAIIA, Thessaloniki, Greece

Summer School GAIIA, Thessaloniki 5-9 June 2017 The body and gestures play a primordial role in everyday activities. From a young age, people develop sensory and motor skills by interacting with the world. Over time, they accumulate experiences and enrich their abilities. Their body is transformed, allowing them to express, communicate and interact with the […]

Virtual Reality

2017-01-16 Think tank GAIIA, Paris, France

THINK TANK GAIIA – GESTE ET INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE DANS L’ART ET L’INDUSTRIE Le Think tank GAIIA (Gesture & Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Arts) organise une rencontre le 16 Janvier 2017 à MINES ParisTech 60 Bvd Saint-Michel, 75006. L’inscription gratuite mais obligatoire.   Le corps et le geste jouent un rôle primordial dans toute activité […]


2017-01-06 Les Tablettistes – Ottawa, Canada

Panel: The Magic of Imagination – Les Tablettistes 2017 It’s my pleasure to run the panel Under the Spell of Possibility: The Magic of Imagination during the Event Les Tablettistes on January 6th 2017, at the Cité collégiale of  Ottawa in Canada. Under the Spell of Possibility: The Magic of Imagination The year was 1973 when the celebrated writer, futurist, and inventor Arthur […]


2016-11-29 JTSE 2016 – Paris, France

I’m please to present a conference with Judith Guez about VR and ART at the Journées Techniques du Spectacle et de l’Evénement (JTSE) a Professionnal fair dedicated to technical aspects of shows and events. Créer avec la réalité virtuelle Judith Guez & Jean-François Jégo – Collectif VRAC


2016-10-31 MeMuMo Workshop – Moscow, Russia

Following the conference I presented in 2015 at the Moscow State Linguistic University Centre for Socio-Cognitive Discourse Studies (SCoDis) (Laboratory PoliMod), I’m organizing a workshop this year about gesture acquisition in realtime and annotation with linguist. MeMuMo: Methods in Multimodal Communication Research – New recording methods for motion capture – Kinect Leaders: Jean-François Jégo & Dominique […]


2016-09-23 DIG workshop – Paris, France

Journées d’étude D.I.G : La Dynamique Interactionnelle du Geste “Making sense together”   CIGALE : dispositif artistique d’interaction gestuelle avec un avatar (ARTS H2H) Dominique Boutet, Marion Blondel, Coralie Vincent, Judith Guez Jean-François Jégo 22, 23 Septembre 2016 Laboratoire SFL CNRS, 59 rue Pouchet 75017 Paris Programme Jeudi 22 septembre (salle 159) 09:30-10:30 Conférence invitée : Ronald […]


2016-07-05 MOCO’16 – Thessaloniki, Greece

I’m pleased to participate the organization of MOCO 2016: International Workshop on Movement and Computing (MOCO’16)


2016-01-17 MOCA – Taipei, Taiwan

I presented my work at the MOCA Taipei on January 2016, here is the description in Chinese :) 2016/1/17  台北當代藝術館 「知了:比手畫矯」互動藝術工作坊 (已結束) 主講者 : 陳珠櫻 CHEN Chu-Yin, 法國巴黎第八大學教授 Jean-François JEGO, 法國巴黎第八大學講師 Judith GUEZ, 法國巴黎第八大學後博士生 研究合作單位 : Paris 8 University laboratories INRéV & SFL, CNSAD of Paris 法國巴黎第八大學虛擬與擴增實境實驗室,語言的形式結構實驗室,國立巴黎高等戲劇學院