Conferences Gesture Immersion Interaction Virtual Reality

2019-10-10 MOCO’19 Paper & Demo – Tempe, Az, USA

Meet me at MOCO’19 where I present a workflow for real-time gesture analysis to visualize gesture kinematics features (Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk) from heterogeneous data (Video, Motion Capture and Gesture Annotations) at the same time base PAPER: J.-F. Jégo, V. Meyrueis, D. Boutet. A Workflow for Real-time Visualization and Data Analysis of Gesture using Motion Capture. In […]

Augmented Reality Conferences Embodiment Gesture Immersion Perception Performance Virtual Reality

2019-05-28 Pause Talking Play Gesture! – Frankfurt, Germany

Exhibition Pause Talking / Play Gesture! In the exhibition “Pause talking / Play gesture”, we propose to interactively explore what is the characteristic of gesture with digital artworks inspired by Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Intelligent Objects. Human gesture raises fascinating questions : How we perceive and understand the movement ? How to make visible […]

Conferences Virtual Reality

2019-05-02 VR as a medium to create – Linz, Austria

Course and Workshop at Interface Culture Interface Culture, Linz University of Arts Department of Media, Austria May 2nd 2019 Course 2h (morning) A story of Arts & Technologies at University Paris 8: crossing animation and real-time images from the pioneers to the new generation Workshop 2h-3h (afternoon) Virtual Reality worlds as little theater & cinema […]

Conferences Virtual Reality

2019-04-20 RDV Demain ! – Bourges, France

Let’s talk about revising the Renaissance for it’s 500th birthday with André Manoukian & Manuel Moussallam 500 ans plus tard : une nouvelle renaissance ? Déconstruisons d’abord les clichés et jetons un œil aux « influenceurs » de l’époque (Léonard de Vinci, Jérôme Bosch, Michel-Ange…) auteurs de peintures aussi flamboyantes qu’envoutantes. Ils savent nous émerveiller […]

Conferences Virtual Reality

2019-03-20 Art at Laval Virtual, France

The VRAC and I present two art installation at RECTO VRSO, Digital Art Festival in Laval Virtual, France Plonger dans la marche Ponnara Ly, Jean-François Jego, Camille Havas Interactive installation, 2018L’installation retrace l’un des moments d’un pèlerinage de 500 km entre Tokyo et Kyoto. Une jeune femme a trouvé un endroit pour passer la nuit. […]

Conferences Virtual Reality

2019-03-05 35 years of Research Creation – Université Paris 8, France

I’ll present a talk about 35 years of research-creation at the ATI department : retrospective & perspective Jean-François Jégo, Université Paris 8 The question of connecting Art and Technology is inspiring the artist-researchers of the Arts & Technology de l’Image (ATI) Department since it was created 35 years ago at the University Paris 8. We […]

Conferences Embodiment Gesture Workshop

2018-11-01 MeMuMo Conference – Moscow, Russia

Plenary Talk: Transcription/Inscription: how to deal with movement quality? Dominique Boutet, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université de Rouen, France Jean-François Jego, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université Paris 8, France Vincent Meyrueis, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université Paris 8, France November 1st, 2018 at Moscow State Linguistic University

Augmented Reality Conferences Embodiment Expressive rendering Gesture Immersion Interaction Perception Performance Presence Virtual Reality

2018-06-26 intero/ception Digital Art Exhibition – Galerie UQO, Canada

intero/ception Performances & Digital Art Exhibition 26 juin 2018 / Galerie UQO

Conferences Virtual Reality

2018-05-29 Mimic yourself workshop & conference – Zurich, Switzerland

Mimic Yourself Workshop 29.05. – 31.05.2018 10:00 – 16:00 InnovationLab, ZT 1.D05 Probebühne Do you want to explore new possibilities of performance through digital technologies? Join us for this experimental workshop and open exchange. The international experts Matt Romein and Jean-François Jégo will present their artistic projects, research tools and explore new ideas with the […]

Conferences Virtual Reality

2017-12-05 Conférence Masques Technologiques – Le Cube, France

MASQUES TECHNOLOGIQUES : ALTÉRITÉS HYBRIDES DE LA SCÈNE CONTEMPORAINE Colloque international14 et 15 décembre 2017 Le Cube – Centre de création numérique Du plateau à la scène numérique Modérateur : Massimo Bergamasco “Acteur Réel / Acteur Virtuel : de l’imitation à l’autonomie” Jean-François Jego (Université Paris 8)